So, if you wanted a backup install disc in case something went wrong, or in case you wanted to install Mac OS X on your computer without signing into the Mac App Store, you'd have to create a bootable DVD or USB drive yourself using the InstallESD.dmg, which was an easy process using Disk Utility. Is, in principle, and all.Now you can download your device by holding down the options.So you get into the menu to select the boot disk.Is it possible to install Mac OS on a USB flash drive?Yes of course.But that's a topic for another article.There hasn't been any physical installation DVDs available for Mac operating systems since Snow Leopard (10.6), with Lion (10.7) and Mountain Lion (10.8) both available via the Mac App Store as downloads only.

When the procedure is completed, we will prepare the flash drive on which you want to restore your previously created image.In the same utility on the left select your device again, only this time click "Restore."Drag the Source installation image, and in another field, called Destination, - distribution.Check your action and click "Restore." To Install Mac OS from a USB drive can be implemented in this manner, it is necessary to make the correct formatting.Insert the removable device to the port, and then open Disk Utility, which is located in the appropriate folder.On the left, select your flash drive and click "Delete."Just do it carefully.After selecting a different machine, you risk losing all the information.As a file system, you must choose Mac OS Extended.If you wish, assign a name for this volume.Again, press "Clear".

The first thing we do is convert our stick in the boot.To do this, go to your distribution and find another file called "InstallESD.dmg".To do this, right-click on the icon Install Mac OS X the catalog of Contents, then SharedSupport, there you will see the desired file.After that, you must mount the disk image.It's enough just double click on this file, create the image you will find on your desktop.